Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trashy Tuesday

I dont really feel like this is "trash" tv this week, but more like something everyone should care about and watch. Wanna guess what it is???  Oh you you guessed it...Food Revolution time! I know what you are all thinking, Leslie has gone off the deep end! Talking tofu and liking it, where did Leslie go? I am here, I am just choosing a better life for me and my family. You can too! Jamie Oliver is leading the Food Revolution on ABC. Basically he is trying to get our public schools to make REAL food. Real as in you make it, not take it out of a bag from a plant and bake it. They say there are nutritional guidelines but pizza seriously counts a vegetable (sauce), Dairy ( cheese) and Starch ( crust) occasionally here in fla they serve it with carrots, and squeeze packet ranch. Kids are drinking more calories than soda while drinking flavored milk and bad habits are made. People think kids wont eat the healthy stuff, um hello, they will eat if its presented early. We all know kids go through phases where they wont eat this or that, but you have to keep offering stuff!
 So on this episode Jamie is allowed finally into a school only to be told he is the culinary arts teacher. He isnt allowed to ask students about cafeteria food, see the cafe or the kitchen. What is the USDA hiding that they dont want on tv? Have you been to a cafeteria lately? When I was working at a school, ours did make some homemade items, offered salad and all but then students could buy Crap al la carte. We are teaching our kids bad habits. I am guilty too, my 2 year old knows that the mcdonalds sign means fries.... Im trying to choose better for her now..we didnt eat there tons, but enough she knew what it was!!!

So what can you do? Tune into Food Revolution, its a cool show, not in your face like Food Inc, but still important to foster healthy  habits in our kids!
You can Sign the petition at Jamie's website and support his efforts!
You can go meatless one day a week
You can cook with fresh ingredients, instead of things from boxed dinners and cans.
You can visit a farm and teach your kids how food is made and where it comes from .
You can visit your kids school and see what they are eating!

You can do....anything to make your family healthier!!!!

ps this was supposed to be about the show, but sorry, I got a little heated! Stay Tuned for A VLOG on thoughtful thursday!!!

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