Monday, June 27, 2011

Make My Meal Monday

Spicy Bean Roll Ups

I've been in love with little lavash sandwiches forever. I never thought they were easy to make until about a year ago. Seriously easy!!! I went to a Ball Canning House Party last night and needed something to bring, so I went on a search for a recipe. I didnt find one I loved, so I made this instead!!

Here's what you need
3/4 c Shredded cheese
1 tub Philly cooking cream Sante Fe Blend
1 pkg tortillas (the large ones work best)
1 can on black beans

1. Mix cheese and cooking cream together in a bowl.

2. Drain and puree beans in food processor.

3.  Lay out saran wrap under a tortilla. put a light layer of beans on the tortilla

4. Then add a layer of the cheese spread. Leave a little room at the end.

Repeat this until all the mixture is gone. Mine made about 6 tortillas worth!

5. Roll the tortilla long ways to create a roll up.

6. Wrap up in the saran wrap. Refrigerate for 30 mins or more.Can be made ahead of time.

7. Remove roll up from saran wrap and slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Serve!

Super easy! They look cute,and they are pretty cheap.Most importantly,  I thought they were pretty tasty!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

So this week I'm linking up again with Mama Kat's Writers Workshop 

 List 10 things you wish you could say to strangers who share unsolicited advice about your parenting skills.

 As soon as you get pregnant its like the advice faucet turns into a  flood. I don't know what it is about people who think your body/child/excretions become apart of their business! When I was pregnant,the advice dam started to break and  I heard all sorts of crap from people, no do eat that, yes eat that, do this, dont do that! When Caitlin was born, it was full on flood status. You should hold your boob like this, be sure to wipe your butt this way, dont let her cry, let her cry! Oy vey!! I've always wanted to respond so here's my chance!!!

1. Yes, thats my kid laying on the floor having a fit, would you care to join her, apparently they are fun, she  sure seems to like them. I think she's learning a new relaxation art.

2. I'm so glad your perfectly dressed, impeccably clean child is doing this or that, my hand me down, dirty kid is having fun playing at the park while your kid keeps getting told to watch out for that dirt, or let me wash you off.. LET THEM HAVE FUN! Thats why there are baths!

3. Yup, I keep my kid quiet with a lollipop when I cant handle it anymore, dont like it, shut up.

4.  Yes she still has a pacifier, would you like to borrow her for 3 weeks and take it away then return her to me so I can sleep too? Thanks, didnt think so.

5.  Thanks for buying my 2 year old this lovely halter top and skirt combo, she wont be wearing it, why you ask? Because she 2, not 22.... I dont even wear halter tops and skirts come to think of it, neither should you!

6.  Oh, yes my kid is sick, sorry we cant play today, why? That would be because you thought bringing your snot nose, hacking cough kid out was a good idea a week ago.... ya....

7. Thanks so much for the workout advice and gym reccomendation, and by thanks I mean thanks so much for making me feel like a fat blob who doesnt know how to locate a gym. And at least now I can say Im feeling better by doing something.

8. Im so glad little Johnny can name all the presidents, in order, but if you give him a box and a ball can he play for hours? No? Didn't think so. 

9. Why dont we skip this whole my kid did this at 5 months, oh yours didnt..blah blah blah, and say you win, because I simply dont care!

10. Shut up, shut the freaking front door up. (thats my most grown up response)

I know this sounds harsh in some ways, but I would never say this stuff in real life, and guess what its my blog, I can say what I want so , neh! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Im rolling tuesday and wednesday together and telling you I think JP is gonna be Ashley's main man!
Its between him and Ben F, thats my prediction!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Make My Meal Monday

Whatchamacalit Chicken 

Dont get too freaked out by the title, basically I did a pantry dump for dinner and it turned out pretty tasty!! Oh, and I managed to Vlog about it (with some kiddo interruptions but that the Mommy Jungle!!) 
Ingredients I used:
1.5 lb of boneless skinless Chicken breast cut into 2 inch or so cubes
1/2 c white cooking wine
1/2 onion finely diced
1/2 green pepper finely diced
1 can of cream of chicken soup
Cheese as desired
Pasta- cooked

Be nice...Im a new Vlogger...

What horrible screen shots...oh well! Enjoy! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fun Friday

My friend Bridget at Twinisms is Rocking her baby bump and I was curious, so I found a whole slough of others sharing, so I figured why not right?

14 Weeks, ah, no real belly

18 weeks, finally looking pregnant not like a fat schlub
Family baby shower, mildly still cute pregnant

You know you love your future sister in law when you are feeling really fat and get into a bridesmaid's dress

This is the picture I hate. I stopped taking them after this, I was 37 weeks.
Caitlin was born at 39..ya 2 more weeks dragging that around!!!

I hope you all enjoyed!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

So I visited Mama Kat's Writers Workshop for a fun prompt to spice up the day. 
If Social Media died tomorrow, describe another hobby you might get into.

First off, if Facebook wasn't here, I might go nuts! I talk to grown ups and feel like I have some semblance of a life. That being said, I spend WAY to much time online!!! So thinking about not having it, might send me into an anxiety attack, but its worth a thought! What in the world what I do????????

Some Ideas:
  • Beg Mike to buy me a nice SLR camera and get back in to photography.....probably wouldnt ever make any money doing it, but worth a try.
  • Learn how to bake, gasp, without a Box mix!! I suck at it. Im trying be brave and just do it sometimes but its scary, and then I feel like a failure blah blah blah
  • Get Disney Season passes, and visit a park when bored.

Hmm , maybe I should be spending less time on Facebook and doing more. But then how would a mostly SAHM get interaction with adults?? 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

I'm putting words on this Wednesday because it needs explanation!

My whole life I've gotten bad bloody noses from nothing, washing my face, a little tap on the nose and a geyser sprouts..dern allergies. since becoming a mom, this has proved very interesting. Its not like you can just stop and apply pressure for 20 minutes....So I've had to improvise...yup, take a look, sure enough I've resorted to shoving a tampon in my nose. Deal with it.

Trashy Tuesday

I know its Wed morning...but I wanted to watch a show last night for today. I dont know how many of you watch this show...

but I've watched it since it began., mostly because Piper Perabo was in Coyote Ugly, one of the best chick flicks ever.  Its a spy show, one of my favorites, and reminds me of that show with Jennifer Garner, Alias.

The premise:
Annie Walker is a CIA agent, but to her family she works at the Smithsonian. She's a new agent and is earning her keep. Her buddy Auggie, is blind and is apparently a techno genius.  Lots of familiar faces on this show from others. But mostly its Annie and her missions on spotlight with her buddy running tech.

I know the more I type about it, the dumber it seems lol. Special effects suck, it USA network, not FOX people. But for some strange reason, Im stuck on the show...I will narrow it down to 5  reasons I watch...

1. I'm mostly a  Stay at home mom with a DVR/Hulu.....come nap time I want to zone out and enjoy watching other people's exciting  lives.

2. Piper Perabo is relate-able as Annie Walker. She comes across insecure at times, goofy and normal!

3. Auggie is hot for a blind guy...nuf said.

4. I'm secretly a spy and can relate to the show...crap now I have to kill you all.

5. It's better than watching hours upon hours of the Casey Anthony trail which since I live in the Orlando Area, is the only thing that occupies daytime television.....

So, if you havent seen it, try it out...if ya have some time to kill!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Make My Meal Monday

Turkey Meatballs
Spaghetti and Meatballs

I put both as the title because I made the meatballs for spaghetti and the meatballs. I was lazy and didnt make my own sauce or anything, so deal with it!

The Ingredients:
2 cups of Bread crumbs
1.5 lbs of ground turkey
1/4 cup white cooking wine
1/2 green pepper 
1/2 onion
2 eggs
garlic salt

Preheat oven to 400. Dice green peppers and onion
(I cheat and use the mini food processor)

Add all remaining ingredients to the peppers and onions. If mixture seems to liquidy(yup my word) add more bread crumbs.If seems a bit too dry, add a little
 more white wine!

 Roll the mixture into meatball size balls and place on
 cookie sheet. Bake 15 minutes on one side, turn and
bake 15 on the other side.

Deal with small child meltdown while cooking.

Add meatballs to sauce when they are done.

And so ya know, we make ghetto garlic bread here!
Take about 2 Tbsp of butter, 3 garlic gloves and garlic salt. Spread over unwanted bread.Broil on low for about 5 mins or long enough you forgot about it and start to smell a little burning.voila, cheap garlic bread! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun Friday

Busch Gardens!

So we went to Busch Gardens yesterday! Honestly, it was the best trip there so far. We left around 9:30  and stopped at Cracker Barrel for some breakfast! Mike got us a little lost (thank goodness for google maps on my phone!!) and we made it there around 12! We rode Montu, the skyway, Cheetah Hunt, the train and saw lots of animals and had an all around good time! Cheetah hunt is by far one of the best coasters I've been on it a long time!! Smooth, exciting and its longer than most! There are 3 spots its shoots you to 60 mph!!!! 
Here are some favorite shots of the day!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog Love

So my friend Bridget over at Twinisms thought I was cool (hehe) and awarded me some Bloggy Love awards. A big thank you to Bridget and go read her blog, seriously its so funny you will pee your pants  :)

The rules for accepting the awards are simple. I have to tell all of you 7 things about me and pass the award on to a few others. It’s like a blog chain letter!

Here's 7 things about me!!
1. The hubby and I met online! He was farting around on AOL, yup ya know that ISP?! and found my profile, we started talking. I made him call me because he took too long to type and we met about 2 weeks later at an Everblades Hockey game with some friends...been together ever since :)

2.  I am obsessed with Diet coke. There are few vices left for me and this one has to go too, but I cant. It makes me happy. Its not just diet coke, its FOUNTAIN diet coke...its amazing!

3.  I think trying to have a baby is the most stressful time, ever. I know its supposed to be fun and it is sometimes. But to watch other people blink and get pregnant, makes this momma sad!

4. I was seriously the worst cook EVER 7 years ago. All I could make was pancakes and mashed potatoes... Poor Mike has eaten some creations over the past years and some were winners and, I wouldnt even eat! Now, I love to cook and think I do okay!

5.  I'm sure you can tell from my Blog, but I LOVE trashy reality tv. Not Jersey shore and all that, but Bravo is my favorite channel and I watch far too much of it!

6. I love to read but dont take enough time to do it. I get sucked into a book and have a hard time putting it down. Nora Roberts, anything really! Perhaps I should start a book circle...anyone want to read with me?

7.  I love being a mom, most of the time ;) Its the most rewarding and frustrating job all at the same time!!!

And now to pass on the blog love!!! These bloggers are some of my favorites..Go Read them!

Molstad Memories

Not a Perfect Mom

The "OK" Life

Just Children's Books

Amy told you so!

Many thanks again to

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trashy Tuesday

So its vacation week here at our house, so I'm trying to keep up with posting!! I did watch the bachelorette last night and wanted to share!!!

We should just call this Bad News Bentley night!! If youre on twitter check our #badnewsbentley for some good laughs! Lets start at the beginning shall we?

First date- 1 on 1 with, hmm, sheesh, cant remember his name (good sign? I think NOT) Ben C. (after googling) and Ashely perform a flash mob, he loves it, she does. Awww....They go to dinner and he gives this grandiose speech on how he wants love to be big and magical all the time...can we say unrealistic? They smooch, big surprise..

Second date- Worst date idea ever, producers, you stink. They go on a "Roast" of Ashley. If you dont know what a roast is, its basically a free pass to make fun of someone and say " its all in love, and you have to be able to laugh at yourself" stupid idea. So she tells the guys she can handle it and most play it safe. I was surprised at Ames, he make a fake mask and pretended to be Jeff(the masked bachelor) It was funny! Then Bentley talks about how small her boobs are etc. William gets up and scorches her talking about how they all thought it was gonna be Emily....The finish the roast she goes off to cry. Who's there to console her..... you guessed it  Bad News Bentley! His commentary to the producers is so mean " Girls who cry are ugly, I may have been thinking the same as William but IM not going to say it" Ugh. They wheels fall of the date quickly, as Ashley is a hot mess. Ryan P does make her feel a bit better and William leaves and comes back.

(que sad Music and rain) Bentley wakes up and tells the guys he's leaving because he misses his daughter "Cozy." Yup his kids name is cozy....weird! He tells the producers the truth, Ashley isnt his type, he played everyone, he wished it was Emily. Then he goes to tell Ashley all this. Apparently she thought he was the one already and has a mega sob fest. Bentley "consoles" her leading her on saying this isnt the end, its a dot dot dot....what an douche (sorry mom lol) but he is! I cant wait till Ashley gets to watch his commentary footage so she can ream him a new one! Can we say After the Final Rose???

Last 1 -1- JP
They have dinner at her house, she looks a hot puffy mess from crying! JP tells her she is perfect the way she is and they change to jammies and have a pj party. Seriously, I am thinking its JP for the win. He's honest, caring and funny!!!Love this date!

Rose Ceremony-
No cocktail party, Ashley is still upset about Bad News, so she skips right to the roses! She sends home Jeff-the masked Bachelor and  Chris big loss!

So, it's been said that Bentley comes back according to Reality Steve (dont click on that link unless you want his predictions for the season!) I wont tell you anymore than I dont think its done yet!

Hopefully she can move on and get over him...someone show her the footage!!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

So I know I've been absent for far too long!!! Yikes!!! It's too late to apologize, too late....(ya I'm quoting a song...whatev) But back on the wagon I go! I was super sick (strep and respiratory infections = awesomeness) and then the kid got sick! No excuses! Thoughtful Thursday seems like a good day to get back into it!
  So thanks to Mama Kat's Workshop here's my thought for the day!
Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words.

Life's amazing, scary, entertaining, breathtaking and crazy!