Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trashy Tuesday

Real Housewives of Orange County- Season 6!
I cant believe this was the original housewife show that started all the housewife seasons. Only one cast member from the very first season remains, Vicki. Last night was their premiere and honestly, if I had never watched this show all the previous seasons, I wouldnt have continued watching it! Tamra,who was happily married when she began her run on the show, is now happily divorced and already dating a new guy. She has 2 kids from her previous marriage and it makes you wonder where are they? Alexis, who was new last season, has 3 kids and only one nanny this season,as opposed to 2 last time. Her and her hubby, who used to be inseperable, are now spending alot of time alone, can we say divorce! Gretchen is now serious with Slade, who has been with 2 other housewives. Seriously, can this dude just go away! He drives me nuts! But then again, so does she! Gretchen has a makeup and handbag line now woo, how great for her. I'm sad to say this but this season looks like a flop. I miss the original cast that made the houswives's empire famous! I love the housewives shows most of the time, but these women have turned all hollywood and are frankly spoiled rotten! Bring back some Real Housewives of New Jersey please!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Trashy Tuesdays! Right, love it! Also, the RHNJ are my favorite too!
