My sweet baby girl at 2! Thanks to Amy Cooper Photography for doing her 2 year old portraits.I cant wait to see more!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Trashy Tuesday
I know, its already Wednesday, but I wanted to write about Teen mom today! So, last night was the season finale and a sob fest for me! I got hooked on this show, I have no idea why. Teen pregnancy seems glorified for teens on MTV, but I think this season was a pretty accurate view of motherhood. Let me break it down by each cast member!
Chelsea-I'm starting with her because I think she is one of the jaded ones. Her daddy pays for her house, and everything else. She is supposed to be working on her GED so she can start hair school. Her hair drives me nuts! Anywhos, last night showed her daughter's 1st birthday and her baby daddy wasnt there. He is downiright mean, why she even was with him in the first place is beyond me. He openly admitted to cheating on her 5 times....ugh. So, he shows up to get his stuff from her house, wasnt that exciting like Amber and Gary last season! Thats about it for her...nothing too exciting, just a daddy's princess raising a kid..
Kailyn- Her and her baby daddy are great at fighting. They verbally assault each other at the turn of a hat. She filed custody paperwork(finally they show this process so kids know its not all fun and games) and her and Jo (baby daddy) exchange words after they leave their mediation. She is working 2 jobs and going to school part time so I have to give her props for trying to do more with her life! I hate watching people put kids in ca seats on tv because I want to yell at them. She put her baby Isaac in his seat with a big winter you shouldnt do that! Thats beside the point! I'll be interested to see these two on the "Talk it over" thing with Dr. Drew.
Jenelle- I could write a book seriously on this girl. She is so self centered and has tons of issues. She was arrested on last nights finale for breaking and entering and possession of marijuana. Great mom right? Where was her boyfriend when she was there to see him where she was arrested? Oh, he took her car down the street to go smoke some! Jenelle and her mom do nothing but yet at one another in front of her kid Jace. Jenelle's idea of parenting is , staying home, then when the kid goes to bed its okay to go out because he's sleeping. Thank goodness her mom has custody! Jenelle goes and bails the loser boyfriend out of jail after her mom says she will kick her out for the 80th time if she sees him again. Gee, great priorities huh? Loser crack head boyfriend or your kid? Yup, she became a loser to me tonight, or just solidified that spot
Leah- The one and only happy ending I have ever seen on this show. Leah and Corey got married on last nights show. It was beautiful! On 16 and pregnant they were so young and had tons of problems, but managed to pull it all back together when one of their twin girls has some medical issues. She is a great role model for many moms. She gets it, all the other girls are still focused on themselves when Leah and Corey get it, its about the kids! They also have a good support system of family that the other girls dont have! Anyways, I love this couple. They make the show worth it. I think most who watch would agree!
So thats it in a nutshell. Next week is the special with Dr Drew. And yes, I'll be watching because their lives are more entertaining than mine. You know you watch it to!
Chelsea-I'm starting with her because I think she is one of the jaded ones. Her daddy pays for her house, and everything else. She is supposed to be working on her GED so she can start hair school. Her hair drives me nuts! Anywhos, last night showed her daughter's 1st birthday and her baby daddy wasnt there. He is downiright mean, why she even was with him in the first place is beyond me. He openly admitted to cheating on her 5 times....ugh. So, he shows up to get his stuff from her house, wasnt that exciting like Amber and Gary last season! Thats about it for her...nothing too exciting, just a daddy's princess raising a kid..
Kailyn- Her and her baby daddy are great at fighting. They verbally assault each other at the turn of a hat. She filed custody paperwork(finally they show this process so kids know its not all fun and games) and her and Jo (baby daddy) exchange words after they leave their mediation. She is working 2 jobs and going to school part time so I have to give her props for trying to do more with her life! I hate watching people put kids in ca seats on tv because I want to yell at them. She put her baby Isaac in his seat with a big winter you shouldnt do that! Thats beside the point! I'll be interested to see these two on the "Talk it over" thing with Dr. Drew.
Jenelle- I could write a book seriously on this girl. She is so self centered and has tons of issues. She was arrested on last nights finale for breaking and entering and possession of marijuana. Great mom right? Where was her boyfriend when she was there to see him where she was arrested? Oh, he took her car down the street to go smoke some! Jenelle and her mom do nothing but yet at one another in front of her kid Jace. Jenelle's idea of parenting is , staying home, then when the kid goes to bed its okay to go out because he's sleeping. Thank goodness her mom has custody! Jenelle goes and bails the loser boyfriend out of jail after her mom says she will kick her out for the 80th time if she sees him again. Gee, great priorities huh? Loser crack head boyfriend or your kid? Yup, she became a loser to me tonight, or just solidified that spot
Leah- The one and only happy ending I have ever seen on this show. Leah and Corey got married on last nights show. It was beautiful! On 16 and pregnant they were so young and had tons of problems, but managed to pull it all back together when one of their twin girls has some medical issues. She is a great role model for many moms. She gets it, all the other girls are still focused on themselves when Leah and Corey get it, its about the kids! They also have a good support system of family that the other girls dont have! Anyways, I love this couple. They make the show worth it. I think most who watch would agree!
So thats it in a nutshell. Next week is the special with Dr Drew. And yes, I'll be watching because their lives are more entertaining than mine. You know you watch it to!
Monday, March 28, 2011
EXTRA POST: Caitlin's Cowgirl 2nd Birthday Party!
So I had to post this on here, but before fun friday, so consider this your fun friday from last week!!! Lots of pictures!
Make My Meal Monday
So this monday its raining and I needed to go to the store. But, I didnt want to, so I hunted around the house for what I have at home and here's what you get! Scalloped potatoes and hot dogs in the crock pot! Its so easy and quick!
Take a stick o butter and melt with some flour (yup thats exact measuring for you) I think it was about hmm 3/4 cup!
Slice some potatoes thinly and chop up some hot dogs and onions. Throw into crock pot. (well not literally, figuratively)
Add some milk (about 2 cups) slowly into your butter flour mixture. Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and stir as it thickens. Remove from heat!
Dump milk mixture on top of potatoes mixture in crock pot. Mix together so its evenly coated.
Set your crock pot on low for 8hours.
Thats it! Yummy goodness!
Slice some potatoes thinly and chop up some hot dogs and onions. Throw into crock pot. (well not literally, figuratively)
Add some milk (about 2 cups) slowly into your butter flour mixture. Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and stir as it thickens. Remove from heat!
Dump milk mixture on top of potatoes mixture in crock pot. Mix together so its evenly coated.
Set your crock pot on low for 8hours.
Thats it! Yummy goodness!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Trashy Tuesday
So its a week with no Bachelor, whats a blogger to do? I am at a loss this week. I could write about Real Housewives of Orange County, but its not really noteworthy, trashy yes, interesting, eh... There was the typical OC, whining, and soft porn...yup I wrote the p word.. the last 2 minutes of the show I wanted to vomit...ugh what was Tamra thinking???? But I'm not going to write about that show. Ah, I remember one I can talk about! Yet another Bravo show, but far better in my opinion! Bethanny Ever After! Anyone else watch it? I've loved Bethanny since her days on RHONY(thats Real Housewives of New York for you non bravo lovers) Her quick wit and unapologetic sass is great! She is newly married, a new mom and a successful business woman. Her show provides an honest look into being a newlywed mom who is so busy! What I love is that she actually spends time with her kid, ahem ulike RHOOC women....She is in counseling on the show and it really shows us "real women" its okay to not have it all together and its nice to see someone out there in TV land who gets that family is the most rewarding thing, but its okay to have a passion for what you do!! Anywhos, if you havent seen it, watch it because I said so! Now, get to watching!
Make My Meal Monday
So I know its a day late, but you can deal right? During my Philly Cooking Creme party I came across a recipe I fell in love with and have cooked twice since!!!
1 can pizza crust or bag mix cooked ready to top
1/2 cup Philadelphia Italian Cheese and Herb Cooking Creme
1 tomato, thinly sliced
8 fresh basil leaves, torn
1/2 cup Kraft Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 HEAT oven to 425ºF.
2 SPREAD pizza crust with cooking creme; top with remaining ingredients.
3 PLACE crust directly on middle oven rack.
4 BAKE 10 to 12 minute or until cheese is melted.
Yup, its that easy and it is SO tasty!!! I could eat the whole thing by myself!!
Easy Tomato Basil Pizza
Yup, its that easy and it is SO tasty!!! I could eat the whole thing by myself!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Fun Friday
So this week, our playgroup had a cool outing to Good Samaritan Village for a St Patricks Day Parade. I think I had more fun dressing Caitlin up than anything! The kids were great. The residents in the retirement home seemed to really enjoy seeing some cute little leprechauns!!! Here are some pictures from our fun! Ps I borrowed some of these from friends on facebook since I was busy pulling the wagon!!
I really hope this is something we can continue later, it was so nice to see smiles on the residents faces!!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday
So, I started Love Dare this past week and already I can feel some of the changes in my life. Here's Day One!
Day 1: Love is patient
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
—Ephesians 4:2 NIV
The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It’s better to hold your tongue than to say something you’ll regret.
This was one of the hardest dares, and its number one....think of how bad 2-40 are!!!!! Highly recommended!!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Japan has been on my heart this week. This show the before and after. Please continue to pray for them!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Trashy Tuesday-Bachelor Finale Spoilers
The Bachelor Finale-After the Final Rose!,wow!!! Lets start with the meet the family tiime. Chantal seemed very lively and comfortable with Brad's Family. They all were laughing, having a good time. His family seemed to like her. Great. Then next day...Emily. Hits with her "poised" behavior and they all melt. We knew this was going to happen. Emily has that charm about her, to win people over. Every girl competitor knew she was the one to beat, gee I wonder why. I look at her and all i see at first is veneers with a sob story. I am sure she is sweet and all that but her teeth are too big for her mouth. There I said what everyone was thinking! So, they love her, and pretty much game over from there.
Chantal and Brad go swimming with Sharks, they have a nice dinner and she gives him a super sweet sentimental letter. Fast forward to Emily's date, they go on a helicopter ride, and a picnic.....then back to her hotel room. She then gives him the hot seat about becoming a dad, and we start to see this peak of Brad's supposed bad temper. I was sitting there thinking the whole time, thats it? Sweating and needing some water is your temper...snooze!!! Then the night ends and we are left hanging, of course!
SO we know what happens, Chantal gets there first which means she's dumped. I love how they are together, this whole time I was hoping he would pick her,but nope.... Then Emily arrives, takes his breath away, and he proposes. They kiss, they hug...cue happy ending music.
After the Final Rose
So fast forward six weeks and apparently this was supposed to be their wedding day, say what?? But no, they had broken up and gotten back together. They kept saying they were a real couple, with real problems, but hello? Anyone else think thats nuts they had already broken up??? She wasnt wearing the ring or anything...odd! If I had a ring like that I would be wearing it proudly. It was great to see Trista and Ryan and Ali and Roberto, maybe just maybe Brad and Emily will make it but seems a bit questionable right now!!!! Good luck to them!
The Next Bachelorette was chosen last night too. Ashley H it is...great....NOT! We shall see!!!,wow!!! Lets start with the meet the family tiime. Chantal seemed very lively and comfortable with Brad's Family. They all were laughing, having a good time. His family seemed to like her. Great. Then next day...Emily. Hits with her "poised" behavior and they all melt. We knew this was going to happen. Emily has that charm about her, to win people over. Every girl competitor knew she was the one to beat, gee I wonder why. I look at her and all i see at first is veneers with a sob story. I am sure she is sweet and all that but her teeth are too big for her mouth. There I said what everyone was thinking! So, they love her, and pretty much game over from there.
Chantal and Brad go swimming with Sharks, they have a nice dinner and she gives him a super sweet sentimental letter. Fast forward to Emily's date, they go on a helicopter ride, and a picnic.....then back to her hotel room. She then gives him the hot seat about becoming a dad, and we start to see this peak of Brad's supposed bad temper. I was sitting there thinking the whole time, thats it? Sweating and needing some water is your temper...snooze!!! Then the night ends and we are left hanging, of course!
SO we know what happens, Chantal gets there first which means she's dumped. I love how they are together, this whole time I was hoping he would pick her,but nope.... Then Emily arrives, takes his breath away, and he proposes. They kiss, they hug...cue happy ending music.
After the Final Rose
So fast forward six weeks and apparently this was supposed to be their wedding day, say what?? But no, they had broken up and gotten back together. They kept saying they were a real couple, with real problems, but hello? Anyone else think thats nuts they had already broken up??? She wasnt wearing the ring or anything...odd! If I had a ring like that I would be wearing it proudly. It was great to see Trista and Ryan and Ali and Roberto, maybe just maybe Brad and Emily will make it but seems a bit questionable right now!!!! Good luck to them!
The Next Bachelorette was chosen last night too. Ashley H it is...great....NOT! We shall see!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Make My Meal Monday
Philly Cooking Creme Pot Pie!
A few of you have asked for recipe for this, and I love making pot pie, but this makes it so much easier!!! So here's the pot pie!
What you need:
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