Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trashy Tuesday-Bachelor Finale Spoilers

The Bachelor Finale-After the Final Rose!

Wow....wow,wow!!!  Lets start with the meet the family tiime. Chantal seemed very lively and comfortable with Brad's Family. They all were laughing, having a good time. His family seemed to like her. Great. Then next day...Emily. Hits with her "poised" behavior and they all melt. We knew this was going to happen. Emily has that charm about her, to win people over. Every girl competitor knew she was the one to beat, gee I wonder why. I look at her and all i see at first is veneers with a sob story. I am sure she is sweet and all that but her teeth are too big for her mouth. There I said what everyone was thinking!  So, they love her, and pretty much game over from there.

Chantal and Brad go swimming with Sharks, they have a nice dinner and she gives him a super sweet sentimental letter. Fast forward to Emily's date, they go on a helicopter ride, and a picnic.....then back to her hotel room. She then gives him the hot seat about becoming a dad, and we start to see this peak of Brad's supposed bad temper. I was sitting there thinking the whole time, thats it? Sweating and needing some water is your temper...snooze!!! Then the night ends and we are left hanging, of course!

SO we know what happens, Chantal gets there first which means she's dumped. I love how they are together, this whole time I was hoping he would pick her,but nope.... Then Emily arrives, takes his breath away, and he proposes. They kiss, they hug...cue happy ending music.

After the Final Rose
So fast forward six weeks and apparently this was supposed to be their wedding day, say what?? But no, they had broken up and gotten back together. They kept saying they were a real couple, with real problems, but hello? Anyone else think thats nuts they had already broken up??? She wasnt wearing the ring or anything...odd! If I had a ring like that I would be wearing it proudly. It was great to see Trista and Ryan and Ali and Roberto, maybe just maybe Brad and Emily will make it but seems a bit questionable right now!!!! Good luck to them!

The Next Bachelorette was chosen last night too. Ashley H it is...great....NOT! We shall see!!!

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