Monday, June 20, 2011

Make My Meal Monday

Whatchamacalit Chicken 

Dont get too freaked out by the title, basically I did a pantry dump for dinner and it turned out pretty tasty!! Oh, and I managed to Vlog about it (with some kiddo interruptions but that the Mommy Jungle!!) 
Ingredients I used:
1.5 lb of boneless skinless Chicken breast cut into 2 inch or so cubes
1/2 c white cooking wine
1/2 onion finely diced
1/2 green pepper finely diced
1 can of cream of chicken soup
Cheese as desired
Pasta- cooked

Be nice...Im a new Vlogger...

What horrible screen shots...oh well! Enjoy! 


  1. I love when you say in the first video, "We've been at the barn all day." It made me laugh. It sounds like you farm and you were hard at work taking care of all those animals. Yeehaw!

  2. hehe, I meant to say farm oops!
