Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog Love

So my friend Bridget over at Twinisms thought I was cool (hehe) and awarded me some Bloggy Love awards. A big thank you to Bridget and go read her blog, seriously its so funny you will pee your pants  :)

The rules for accepting the awards are simple. I have to tell all of you 7 things about me and pass the award on to a few others. It’s like a blog chain letter!

Here's 7 things about me!!
1. The hubby and I met online! He was farting around on AOL, yup ya know that ISP?! and found my profile, we started talking. I made him call me because he took too long to type and we met about 2 weeks later at an Everblades Hockey game with some friends...been together ever since :)

2.  I am obsessed with Diet coke. There are few vices left for me and this one has to go too, but I cant. It makes me happy. Its not just diet coke, its FOUNTAIN diet coke...its amazing!

3.  I think trying to have a baby is the most stressful time, ever. I know its supposed to be fun and it is sometimes. But to watch other people blink and get pregnant, makes this momma sad!

4. I was seriously the worst cook EVER 7 years ago. All I could make was pancakes and mashed potatoes... Poor Mike has eaten some creations over the past years and some were winners and, I wouldnt even eat! Now, I love to cook and think I do okay!

5.  I'm sure you can tell from my Blog, but I LOVE trashy reality tv. Not Jersey shore and all that, but Bravo is my favorite channel and I watch far too much of it!

6. I love to read but dont take enough time to do it. I get sucked into a book and have a hard time putting it down. Nora Roberts, anything really! Perhaps I should start a book circle...anyone want to read with me?

7.  I love being a mom, most of the time ;) Its the most rewarding and frustrating job all at the same time!!!

And now to pass on the blog love!!! These bloggers are some of my favorites..Go Read them!

Molstad Memories

Not a Perfect Mom

The "OK" Life

Just Children's Books

Amy told you so!

Many thanks again to

1 comment:

  1. Fountain coke from McDonald's is the best thing ever!

    I'm glad I could make you pee your pants, just don't send me the laundry bill :)
