Real Housewife of Osceola County?
I think NOT!
I was looking for an inspiration to write when I headed over to
Mama Kat's Writers Workshop to see what sort of topic for today and tada!
10 reasons why you could not be a real housewife from any county.
1. I drive a mini van, not a Mercedes! These people have drivers and what nots, I cruise about in my Sienna!
2. No staff needed! Nanny,maid, chef, personal assistant, hair and makeup?! Seriously? Would I want those, um I think every Mom wants those at some point in the day! BUT I like taking care of my family, I might say yes to the maid ;)
3. Perfectly Decorated homes? My home is decorated with laundry, toys, dog hair, and heavens knows what else! I wish my home were cleaner, who doesn't but my house is filled with love and laughter!
4. Fancy Shmancy clothing. Nope, not here. I struggle to think of my sense of style rather than my designer. Does en francais "Target" count? If its not machine washable, with everything else, I mean who reads wash labels?! then its not welcome in my home!
5. Animals as an accessory. Little Fifi eats at the table, sits nicely in their handbag, piddles on a pad and wears cute clothes. My dog? Sheesh, doesn't listen to a word I say, steals food when no one is around and lounges on my couch all day... Wait, maybe I want to be her!
6. Plastic. Um, botox, surgery, everything is FAKE! No surgery here, everything I've got sags like it should (though I wish it didn't) wrinkles where it does (where did they come from?!) and looks real! The only thing I *might* do after we are done having kiddos, bye bye boobies! These things drive me nuts, I lose weight, they grow!
7. Catered Dinner Parties. Meh, I want down home cooking, made by people who love food! Why do they have dinner parties they don't seem to eat!
8. Shh, don't tell them, but I actually like my kids! Even on our roughest days, there are moments of joy. I think God shows us those little snippets in the heat of the moment to remind us how precious they are! Housewives, do they even spend time with them?!
9. Huge house! I love our house. Its the right size for us and I wouldn't want anything bigger!! Could you imagine having to mop all that marble? Do you mop marble? See, good reason I'm not a Real Housewife!
10. I love my Hubby! Most women on those shows don't seem to love their man, or even have one! They just collect the alimony and call it done. I love my hubs and would go to hell and back for him! Those women, going gets rough, gotta use that prenup!
Hope ya enjoyed my randomness :)